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Boiler and pressure vessel plate

Boiler and pressure vessel plate can withstand a certain pressure and water pressure, and different temperature of the usage environment, such as high, medium and low temperature. In addition to the requirements of a certain strength, toughness, it also requires uniform material, strict restrictions on harmful defects.

Main use: Widely used in petroleum, chemical, power station, boiler and other industries for the production of reactors, heat exchangers, separators, spherical tanks, oil and gas tank, liquefied gas tank, nuclear reactor pressure shell, boiler drum, liquefied petroleum Steam cylinders, water turbines and other equipment and components.

Specification for boiler and pressure vessel plate

历史| 万州区| 绥滨县| 京山县| 无极县| 绿春县| 靖边县| 神木县| 大新县| 沈阳市| 平安县| 百色市| 辉县市| 阜康市| 永安市| 古交市| 保山市| 建湖县| 鹤峰县| 江北区| 勃利县| 涟源市| 万源市| 宁乡县| 朝阳市| 石台县| 滨海县| 台北市| 会东县| 彭州市| 寿宁县| 东丰县| 红河县| 秦皇岛市| 西乌| 霞浦县| 连平县| 贺兰县| 健康| 鱼台县| 通州区| http://www.8swd.com http://www.hxxsd.com http://www.gf566.com http://www.0546pf.com http://www.18xyy.com http://www.28g0.com