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Copper rods

Copper rods is usually produced of electrolytic copper as its resistivity is lower than the low oxygen copper rod, so oxygen-free copper rod is more economical in the production of the products that have high requirement in resistivity; manufacture of oxygen-free copper rods requires high quality raw materials; It is even more advantageous to draw a copper wire with a diameter <0.5mm. 6MM oxygen-free copper rod for the production of copper flat wire, and is generally used as raw materials of wire and cable production .

Our company combines sufficient raw material supply with a mature spot sales channels and a wealth of processing resources to achieve the procurement, processing, sales integration management; launched the boat licensing copper rod of 8mm and 2.6mm, and has been widely recognized by the market.

赤壁市| 都昌县| 屏东市| 通州区| 元朗区| 茶陵县| 蒲城县| 郎溪县| 固原市| 庆安县| 光泽县| 聊城市| 镇康县| 巴塘县| 新丰县| 芦山县| 延长县| 钦州市| 沾化县| 左权县| 石景山区| 开阳县| 灵武市| 阿坝县| 舒城县| 武强县| 鄂州市| 庆城县| 伊金霍洛旗| 库车县| 华容县| 吉木萨尔县| 保康县| 盐源县| 盐津县| 寿阳县| 邓州市| 井研县| 德格县| 忻城县| 普兰县| http://www.tqn6.com http://www.4321mu.com http://www.ttt724.com http://www.c78a.com http://www.6658h.com http://www.09mk.com